Thursday, February 08, 2007

Double Post - 2 a thought

An interesting day filled with conversations. I interviewed for a postition today with someone whom, based on less than solid information, thought I was reaching beyond my status. It was nice to prove that wrong. By pushing this path I was able to direct a conversation with my district manager that addressed a very large gap in our communication. Now we are both to blame for this gap, that I will admit. The very interesting thing is how differently we see how this gap came into being. Said district manager claims we had a long conversation 9 months ago or so where i expressed opinions about the weakness of a program he was rolling out. This proves interesting to me because I have no recollection of this ever transpiring.

We spoke at length about the differences in how we see the way it goes. We are proceeding with what was described as a "clean slate".

It's a dirty world and nothing is clean.

I think I am overdue to visit my friend Sun-Tzu
Corporate life is a lot like Gladiator. We don't use swords but you can still get thrown to the lions.


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